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Malfy Gin Range 700ml
Malfy Originale:
MALFY Gin Originale is distilled with Juniper, Coriander and five other botanicals. It is blended with pure spring water from the nearby Monviso mountain - the highest altitude source of any spring in Italy.
Malfy Con Limone:
MALFY Gin Con Limone has delightful citrus and juniper on the nose with a complex flavor of anise, citrus and coriander. Perfect with a premium Tonic
Malfy Gin Rosa:
This bright delicious gin is like no other. Our sun-ripened Sicilian Pink Grapefruits are grown in citrus groves on the Mediterranean coast where the mountains greet the sea. The taste is juicy fresh grapefruit, with a rich long juniper finish. Enjoy this colorful burst of Italian sunshine on the rocks, with tonic or in your favourite cocktail.
Malfy Con Arancia:
MALFY Con Arancia’s key botanical additions are Blood Orange peels sourced from Sicily. Blood Oranges are a prized variety in Sicily – and harvested in November – their rich red color develops from the cool Mediterranean nights.
MALFY Gin Originale is distilled with Juniper, Coriander and five other botanicals. It is blended with pure spring water from the nearby Monviso mountain - the highest altitude source of any spring in Italy.
Malfy Con Limone:
MALFY Gin Con Limone has delightful citrus and juniper on the nose with a complex flavor of anise, citrus and coriander. Perfect with a premium Tonic
Malfy Gin Rosa:
This bright delicious gin is like no other. Our sun-ripened Sicilian Pink Grapefruits are grown in citrus groves on the Mediterranean coast where the mountains greet the sea. The taste is juicy fresh grapefruit, with a rich long juniper finish. Enjoy this colorful burst of Italian sunshine on the rocks, with tonic or in your favourite cocktail.
Malfy Con Arancia:
MALFY Con Arancia’s key botanical additions are Blood Orange peels sourced from Sicily. Blood Oranges are a prized variety in Sicily – and harvested in November – their rich red color develops from the cool Mediterranean nights.
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