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Piko Gin 700ml
Pikopiko frounds are harvested by hand from the Asplenium Bulbiferum fern once a year.
Then distilled in small batches with locally sourced spring water, in the misty shadow of the Pirongia mountain, Waikato. This gin captures an authentic taste that is native to our land. With highlighting notes of sweet asparagus, leaving a lingering and unique taste on the palate. Clark Lane Distillery are proud to share this flavour with the world.
Then distilled in small batches with locally sourced spring water, in the misty shadow of the Pirongia mountain, Waikato. This gin captures an authentic taste that is native to our land. With highlighting notes of sweet asparagus, leaving a lingering and unique taste on the palate. Clark Lane Distillery are proud to share this flavour with the world.
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